Chamada: PUR SANG4 years and moreAll horsesFor whole, mar (puddle) of years and above 4 gelded horses and. Serontqualifiés in this event the horses to which the handicapper will have attributed ( awarded ) was worth lower now equal to 25 k. In this event, correspondingly General auxConditions, 4 years will benefit from the year advantage of 1, 5 kg. Laréférence of this event will possibly be raised to the statement probable (declaration) despartants, so that the higher poidsle is fixed to 66 kg. In definitive laclôture of the runners the minimum weight will not be lower in 57kg. For Riders, those not was won 10 breeds receive will 2 kg.
Bolsa: €14.000
Resultado | Combinação | Rateio por 1 BRL |
02 | 4,40 |
02 | 2,00 |
13 | 2,80 |
07 | 3,70 |
02-13 | 23,50 |
02-13 | 10,50 |
02-07 | 10,80 |
13-07 | 21,10 |
02-13-07 | 198,60 |
Em 4
02-13-07-14 | 598,50 |
Em 5
02-13-07-14 | 119,70 |
Em 6
02-13-07-14 | 39,90 |
Em 7
02-13-07-14 | 17,10 |
02-13 | 7,20 |
02-07 | 7,20 |
02-14 | 7,20 |
13-07 | 7,20 |
13-14 | 7,20 |
07-14 | 7,20 |